
7 May 2014

Chadder By McAfee

John McAfee and his new company, Future Tense Private Systems (FTC), have released an encrypted chat messaging app for mobile users. The app is named 'Chadder' and it is now available on Android and Windows Phone, with an iOS version due in the coming weeks. The app is meant to address the growing concerns of mobile users who worry about government eavesdropping, especially after the Edward Snowden NSA leaks in the news.

Well Chadder is simple and robust. Its currently in its 'early beta' phase. Though the core services are up and running.
After starting the app, users are greeted with a sign up/in screen, all u have to do is create a username and password, providing additional details is optional. 
The app encrypts messages with only odd characters coming through if someone were to intercept the communications. Other users can find u with your username and connect with u. Well no one in my circle is using Chadder right now so I could not test the app and had no one to chat with. The app would need a number of updates to become a rival for the top messenger like Whatsapp, viber and line.

To get Chadder follow the links below 
Windows Phone users can find the appapp here in their Store
Android Users can find their version here on Google Play


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